Help us support the library when you shop at Kroger
Just 4 simple steps:
- Visit
- Sign in to your Kroger Account or create an account
- Enter the organization code EV287 and click enroll
- Shop at Kroger using your Kroger Plus Card or Alt ID
Alternatively, you can call 1-800-576-4377 and ask to be enrolled in Kroger Community Rewards with the code EV287.

After you sign up for Kroger Community Rewards, a portion of your spending at Kroger will be donated to the Friends when you use your Kroger Plus Card or Alt ID.

Help us support the library by donating
The Friends of the JTPL is a Charitable Organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the Friends are tax-deductible under section 107 of said code.
We welcome donations of the following materials:
- • Hardback and paperback books in good condition
- • Classic books
- • Audiobooks on CD and cassette
- • Music CDs and records
- • DVDs and video games
- • Comic books and graphic novels
These donations can be brought in to the bookstore when we are open or to either library branch when they are open.